Wendong Gan1, Bolong Wen1, Ying Yan1, Haitao Chen1, Zhichao Wang2
Hongqiang Du2, Lei Xie2, Kaixuan Guo1, Hai Li1
1 IQIYI Inc., China
2 Audio, Speech and Language Processing Group (ASLP@NPU), School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China


1. Abstract

Prosody modeling is important, but still challenging in expressive voice conversion. As prosody is difficult to model, and other factors, e.g., speaker, environment and content, which are entangled with prosody in speech, should be removed in prosody modeling. In this paper, we present IQDubbing to solve this problem for expressive voice conversion. To model prosody, we leverage the recent advances in discrete self-supervised speech representation (DSSR). Specifically, prosody vector is first extracted from pre-trained VQWav2Vec model, where rich prosody information is embedded while most speaker and environment information are removed effectively by quantization. To further filter out the redundant information except prosody, such as content and partial speaker information, we propose two kinds of prosody filters to sample prosody from the prosody vector. Experiments show that IQDubbing is superior to baseline and comparison systems in terms of speech quality while maintaining prosody consistency and speaker similarity.

2. System design

The architecture of IQDubbding is shown in Fig.1. In general the system follows an encoder-decoder framework, where three individual encoders are adopted, in charge of content extraction, prosody extraction and speaker representation respectively.
        Specifically for the content extraction, an end-to-end ASR model is first adopted to take source audio as input and its encoder output, or the bottleneck feature (BN), is fed into the content encoder, resulting in a content vector representing the linguistic information. As for the prosody modeling, a pre-trained VQ-Wav2Vec model is adopted to process source audio and output the discrete representation -- VQW2V. The VQW2V is then fed into the prosody encoder, resulting in the prosody vector. To further filter out prosody-unrelated information from the prosody vector, we specifically design a prosody filter to get the filtered prosody vector. The decoder takes content vector, filtered prosody vector and speaker vector as input to reconstruct mel spectrum. Finally, Parallel WaveGAN is used to synthesize the converted speech.

Fig.1. Overview of the components of the proposed voice conversion model. First, prosody modeling is based on DSSR. DSSR is discrete self-supervised speech representation. Besides, two kinds of prosody filters: random downsample prosody filter(RDPF) and aligned downsample prosody filter(ADPF), are compared.

Fig.2. VQW2V based prosody encoder. The VQW2V indices are from pre-trained VQ-Wav2Vec model.

(a) Random downsample prosody filter (RDPF). Prosody Vector is grouped by a fixed rate.

(b) Align downsample prosody filter (PLPF). Prosody Vector is aligned by a phone alignment sequence.

Fig.3. Prosody filter. Here Mandarin syllable “hua2” is chosen as an example, which includes 3 phones, “HH”, “UW2” and “AA2”.The 1st and 2nd frame belong to “HH”. The 3rd frame belongs to “AA2”. The 4th, 5th and 6th frame belong to ”AA2”. Please focus on the filtered prosody vector of each phone.

3. Evaluation sample

3.1 Training On ESD dataset

As is dscribed in the paper, our experiment is based on dataset ESD dataset, which is a open source dateset. The results of voice conversion on ESD is shown in Table.2.

Table.1. The results of voice conversion on ESD

Test Set Scenarios Input Target speaker samples, ESD_M08
The outputs of target speaker, ESD_M08
BL CS IQDubbing IQDubbing-RDPF IQDubbing-ADPF
1 Ordinary-Female-Sad
2 Ordinary-Female-Hate
3 Ordinary-Female-Surprise
4 Ordinary-Male-Happy
5 Ordinary-Male-Fear
6 Ordinary-Male-Angry
7 Ordinary-Male-Neutal
8 Dubbing-Female-Neutal
9 Dubbing-Male-Happy
10 Dubbing-Female-Neutal
11 Dubbing-Female-Sad
12 Dubbing-Female-Neutal
13 Dubbing-Female-Surprise
14 Dubbing-Female-Angry
15 Dubbing-Male-Neutal

Short summary:

         The performance of IQDubbing is better than BL and CS. However, the performance of IQDubbing-RDPF is worse than IQDubbing as RDPF is not stable at runtime. IQDubbing-ADPF achieves the best performance, which indicates that ADPF helps to improve speech quality by successfully removing content and speaker information in prosody.

3.2 Training on ESD dataset and internal dataset (IND)

         AS speech qualiy of ESD dataset is limited, in order to show performance of our proposed system, an internal dataset (IND) and ESD dataset, are together used to train the voice conversion model. IND contains 51000 utterances spoken by 14 native Mandarin speakers with 5 emotional states (neutral, happy, angry, sad and surprise).

Table.2. Target speaker sample.

Target speaker Samples

Table.3. The results of voice conversion on ESD and IND

Test Set Scenarios Input IQDubbing-ADPF
IND speaker ESD speaker
1 Ordinary-Female-Sad
2 Ordinary-Female-Hate
3 Ordinary-Female-Surprise
4 Ordinary-Male-Happy
5 Ordinary-Male-Fear
6 Ordinary-Male-Angry
7 Ordinary-Male-Neutal
8 Dubbing-Female-Neutal
9 Dubbing-Male-Happy
10 Dubbing-Female-Neutal
11 Dubbing-Female-Sad
12 Dubbing-Female-Neutal
13 Dubbing-Female-Surprise
14 Dubbing-Female-Angry
15 Dubbing-Male-Neutal

Short summary:

        It can be found that IQDubbing-ADPF could achieve better results for expressive voice conversion, when it is trained on IND and ESD.

3. Necessity and Contribution Analysis of Prosody Filter

We conduct following tests to verify the necessity and contribution of prosody sieve module. The details are shown as follows:

    Only Content: The value of VQW2V is set to 0 in the corresponding system.
    Only Prosody: The value of BN is set to 0 in the corresponding system.
    Content+Prosody: BN and VQW2V are used normally in the corresponding system.

The spectrograms shown in Table.4 are from the utterances generated by IQDubbing, IQDubbing-RDPF or IQDubbing-ADPF respectively. They are used to show the content or prosody information of speech. As is shown in Table.4, the spectrogram of Only Content is worse than Only Prosody with IQDubbing. It shows that content information is leaked from VQW2V in IQDubbing. However, the content information should be obtained from BN. It verifies the necessity of prosody filter. It is also found that Only Prosody is difficult to find prosody in IQDubbing-RDPF, which illustrates the contribution of VQW2V is limited. Furthermore, we find that both BN and VQW2V play an important role in IQDubbing-ADPF. Obviously, the effect of prosody filter module is verified in IQDubbing-ADPF, which is consistent with the evalution results in paper section 3.2 and 3.3.

Table.4. Necessity and contribution analysis of prosody sieve. The spectrograms areused to show the content or prosody information.

Conditon IQDubbing IQDubbing-RDPF IQDubbing-ADPF
Only Content
Only Prosody

4. Demo for Dubbing

The video demo for dubbing is shown as follow. The speechs of the two characters are respectively from VC results of target speaker IND_M1 and IND_F2, which is trained on internal dataset (IND) and ESD dataset.

Table.5. Demo for Dubbing.

Source Input VC Output